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Bio-Alai Personalised Nutritional Plans

Eat for lifelong vitality

Be nurtured by Mother Earth

Whole foods are brimming with potent nutrients. What we eat interacts with our microbiome and epigenome, influencing our overall health and the health of every organ.Ā 

The BioAlai Personalised Nutrition Plan looks at you as an individual, with your own health concerns and personal goals, to develop a nutrition plan that aligns with your unique physiology.Ā 

Even the ā€˜healthiestā€™ diet or nutrition plan wonā€™t work for everyone, because our bodies are all different and respond to foods in different ways. What irritates my gut might be perfectly fine for you. Identifying food intolerances used to take months and months of trial and error, not to mention all the frustration that went with it. Now, itā€™s as easy as answering a few questions.Ā 

A whole body approach to wellbeing

  • Reduce inflammatory and allergy symptoms

  • Improve your food tolerances

  • Stabilise your mood, focus and clarity

  • Achieve more restorative sleep

  • Reduce the symptoms of menopause

  • Enjoy improved vitality and energy levels

  • Increase your metabolic flexibility

  • Achieve effortless weight loss (if thatā€™s one of your goals), with reduced cravings and hunger

  • See improved skin quality

  • Maintain your results for the long-term, enjoying a whole new lease on life

An investment in you

Your health is priceless. For a small, one-off investment of $149 (though if you grab it now, itā€™s currently $119 for our launch special) you will receive your comprehensive Personalised Nutrition Plan. Youā€™ll quickly see its value is worth so much more.

Foods that make you feel fabulous

Eating the right foods for you leads to a happier, healthier and more balanced body, brain and skin. The Bio-AlaiĀ® Personalised Nutrition Plan can help address the underlying drivers of ageing, inflammation and health conditions. At Meaghan South Vitality, we donā€™t buy into fads or gimmicks - your nutrition plan is a shift for life, with a healthier lifestyle solution that is easy to maintain by eating delicious and nutritious foods.Ā 

Give your brain a break - take the guesswork out of eating well

Your Personalised Nutrition Plan includes everything you need to make a sustainable dietary shift for your health.Ā 

If youā€™ve ever felt a little lost or overwhelmed when making changes to your dietary habits, with a Personalised Nutrition Plan youā€™ll receive all the information you need to turn over a new leaf. The comprehensive plan includes detailed food lists, meals plans and dietary techniques based on your own unique biology, including your age, inflammatory symptoms, your hormonal and metabolic state, and your goals.Ā 

The plan will walk you through what to eat, how much and when, as well as what dietary techniques would work best to achieve your goals, including intermittent fasting and protein-pacing. Youā€™ll also have access to an online portal with detailed video guidance to help you through the preparation, therapeutic and maintenance stages of your program as well as helping you to understand how foods interact with the microbiome and genome to influence your health. Lifestyle tips, recipes and mindset guidance are also a key feature - and something youā€™ll receive as a bonus when you order your plan through me.Ā 

  • 90+ page plan and guide
  • Comprehensive outline of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid
  • Detailed preparation information to set yourself up for success
  • Therapeutic stage tailored to your own needs
  • Maintenance phase, including advice on reintroducing foods to identify intolerances
  • Online portal with access to video education
  • Evidence-based articles, research and the latest insight into dietary techniques

Take advantage of our launch special, and invest in your lifelong vitality for 30% off. For just $119, youā€™ll receive our detailed nutrition plan designed exclusively for you. Itā€™s a small investment with incredible results.

Sign up and start feeling better

Would a Personalised Nutrition Plan work for you?

I believe everyone and anyone who wants to feel better in themselves would benefit from a personalised plan. At Meaghan South Vitality, Iā€™m particularly passionate about the benefits for women over 40, because Iā€™ve experienced the benefits for myself. Regardless of your age and health, eating the right nutritious foods for you brings so many benefits.Ā 

If youā€™re feeling any of these symptoms, a Personalised Nutrition Plan could guide you back to health

  • You feel like your body and brain arenā€™t functioning like they used to and you want to hit the ā€˜reset buttonā€™Ā  to improve your health at its foundationĀ 
  • Youā€™re struggling with resistant fat and can't lose weight no matter what you do - and youā€™re sick of jumping on the latest fad diet
  • You regularly experience symptoms of chronic inflammation such as fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, insomnia and food intolerances
  • Youā€™re struggling with skin symptoms like rapid skin ageing, rashes, acne and rosacea.
  • Youā€™re peri-menopausal or menopausal and you want to optimise your health and reduce symptomsĀ 
  • You ask a lot of your body, whether through intense exercise, high workload, chronic stress or a very demanding lifestyle
  • You currently follow a restrictive diet, such as ketogenic, vegan/vegetarian, carnivore, one-meal-a-day, 16:8 fasting, VLCD, meal-replacement shakes or similar plans and youā€™re ready to take a more sustainable approach
Get your Personalised Nutrition Plan

Evidence-based and doctor-designed

Developed by Dr Agnes Warchalowski (MBBS, FRACGP, BHSc), a Cosmetic Physician and Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, our personalised plans are a culmination of 20 years of clinical experience, on-going research and a passion for improving health and wellbeing using evidence-based nutrition.

Empower yourself with knowledge

Gain the insight and understanding to truly appreciate how your body survives or thrives based on the foods you eat.Ā 

  • Learn the true causes of your symptoms and how to address them
  • Discover the pros and cons of popular diets
  • Meal plan using foods and dietary techniques for your physiology and goals
  • Identify food intolerances and safely reintroduce foods
  • Determine your carbohydrate tolerance
  • Learn about precision nutrition, biological trackers and testing
  • Discover the MyAlaiā„¢ Multisystem Support, how and when to use it.
  • And much more...

Take a look in the Frequently Asked Questions for more details on the range of inclusions.Ā 

Find your inner health advocate

Your beautiful body communicates with you every day through symptoms and feelings. You are most attuned to how you feel, which makes YOU the most valuable health tool you have. The key is identifying and understanding what your body is telling you, and how to respond.

To successfully maintain your wellbeing for the future, you need to empower yourself with the necessary knowledge and tools to respond to changing symptoms and know when to seek medical support. Thatā€™s where the video learning series comes in - itā€™s doctor-led health education to help you understand your body on a whole new level.


Get your Personalised Nutrition Plan