Vitality Portal

Bio-Alai Health System

If you have no major health concerns and you feel confident to go it alone, the BioAlai Health System allows you to implement this powerful protocol and nutrition plan independently. 

The Bio-Alai Health System includes three months’ supply of MyAlai™ Multisystem Support, your Personalised Nutrition Plan and access to the online learning platform. The absolute essentials to reclaiming your vitality, soothing your gut and taking control of your health and wellbeing.

MyAlai ™ Multisystem Support: a single source of potent nutrients

MyAlai™ Multisystem Support was created by Dr Agnes as a holistic, all-in-one solution to support your body as a whole. With MyAlai™, regaining your vitality and energy is as easy as mixing it into your morning smoothie or water for up to three months. 

  • Promotes gut health to support health gastrointestinal, immune and nervous system function
  • Reduces inflammation to address chronic health conditions
  • Supports metabolism to maintain healthy blood sugars, lipids and nutrient absorption 
  • Reduces free radicals to support liver health and detoxification
  • Supports brain health and cognitive function
  • Promotes skin health, collagen formation and promotes hair thickness

You’ll receive a three-month supply as part of our Bio-Alai Health System package.

A minimum of three months is ideal, as the efficacy of MyAlai™ Multisystem Support has been proven over this period as part of the TGA approval. If you have minimal health concerns, a shorter initial duration may be ideal. You can cycle on and off the MyAlai™ Multisystem Support in the longer term to suit your health needs.

Personalised Nutrition Plan: designed for your body’s own needs

Your Personalised Nutrition Plan includes everything you need to make a sustainable dietary shift for your health. 

If you’ve ever felt a little lost or overwhelmed when making changes to your dietary habits, with a Personalised Nutrition Plan you’ll receive all the information you need to turn over a new leaf. The comprehensive plan includes detailed food lists, meals plans and dietary techniques based on your own unique biology, including your age, inflammatory symptoms, your hormonal and metabolic state, and your goals. 

  • 90+ page plan and guide
  • Comprehensive outline of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid
  • Detailed preparation information to set yourself up for success
  • Therapeutic stage tailored to your own needs
  • Maintenance phase, including advice on reintroducing foods to identify intolerances
  • Online portal with access to video education
  • Evidence-based articles, research and the latest insight into dietary techniques

Online learning platform: empower yourself with knowledge

Gain the insight and understanding to truly appreciate how your body survives or thrives based on the foods you eat. 

  • Learn the true causes of your symptoms and how to address them
  • Discover the pros and cons of popular diets
  • Meal plan using foods and dietary techniques for your physiology and goals
  • Identify food intolerances and safely reintroduce foods
  • Determine your carbohydrate tolerance
  • Learn about precision nutrition, biological trackers and testing
  • Discover the MyAlai™ Multisystem Support, how and when to use it.
  • And much more…
  • Bio-Alai online learning platform
  • MyAlai™ Multisystem Support - three months’ supply
  • Personalised Nutrition Plan
  • 30-minute Onboarding Session. I'll support you in onboarding to the Bio-Alai Health System protocol and address any questions or challenges you may have.

Buy your Health System now

We’re always here for you

If you purchase the Bio-Alai Health System and find yourself looking for a little extra support and guidance to make your lifestyle change last, we’ve got plenty of options. No matter where you’re at in your Bio-Alai journey, we're always here to walk beside you. You can easily add a one-off session to answer any questions or get back on track, or you can choose to upgrade to one of our longer programs. 

Take a look at our coaching options

Success Story

Tara Jones

“I sleep well again, have so much more energy, my digestion is better – and I no longer need that 3 pm sweet treat to keep me going. My overall health is amazing"

I booked to see Meaghan as my sleep patterns were changing, I was waking during the night and unable to get back to sleep, which was so annoying as it impacted the next day at work and looking after my family. I was beginning to get exhausted and not make great food and lifestyle choices to compensate, which of course made things worse.

Meaghan taught me all about being peri-menopausal and the impact it was having on my sleep and life. During her programme and the 6-week protocol, she helped me balance my blood sugars. settle my hormones and reset my gut. I sleep well again, have so much more energy – and I no longer need that 3 pm sweet treat to keep me going.

Meaghan shared with me invaluable practical tips and delicious recipes that have really made a difference in my life and cooking for my family. I’ve refined my lifestyle to bring about sustainable change and the difference in my overall health is amazing. Thanks Meaghan!

Programme – Lifelong Vitality - Personal Program
Health Improvements – More energy, balanced hormones, clearer brain function, healthier gut function - less bloating and constipation, identified gluten intolerance, removed sugar cravings, meal prepping for busy family mastered, long term lifestyle established
Weight loss – 6 kilos
Duration – 12 Weeks