Vitality Portal

Inspiring Everday Vitality

Mediterranean Longevity Frittata - Bio-Alai Friendly Jul 19, 2024

One of my clients Maria is often messaging me through photos of her delicious frittatas. Being Italian, the ingredients are Mediterranean and, of course, whatever is in season. Here, she's sharing an asparagus one with us, and they are always served with a big Mediterranean style salad....

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Veggie and Herb Meatball Snacks - Bio-Alai Friendly Jul 06, 2024

I've made these for Hamish's morning-tea snack at school, and he loves them! I wanted to find a snack that wasn't carb or sweet based, I could make in bulk and freeze till needed. These are not only good for kids but great as snacks for us too, you could even add them to a quick soup.

Use any...

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Bio-Alai Loaded Sweet Potatoes - Bio-Alai Friendly Jun 29, 2024

When you feel like something a bit special for breakfast on the Bio-Alai Protocol this is it! Dr Agnes has given an easy microwave method, however I would use 1/2 a left over sweet potato from last night's dinner and lightly pan fry it. If you can't have eggs in the first stage of the protocol...

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Bio-Alai Chilli Turkey - Bio-Alai Friendly Jun 22, 2024

This isn't the prettiest meal, but it's so tasty, satisfying and you'll feel supercharged till your next meal. It can be breakfast, lunch or dinner as it's versatile and nutritious.

One of the things I love about the Bio-Alai Health System is that we teach and inspire you to create simple,...

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Bio-Alai Grain-Free Flat Bread, Tortillas and Wraps - Bio-Alai Friendly Jun 14, 2024

Perfect for when you have a hankering for bread on the Bio-Alai Protocol, or if you feel like you a change for lunch. These flat breads are so versatile and can be used with any meal. It's a great recipe to keep on file to use in the longer term as well.

BIO-ALAI FRIENDLY - Therapeutic...

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Dr Agnes's San Choi Bow - Bio-Alai Friendly Jun 08, 2024

On the weekend, Dr Agnes hosted some Bio-Alai Protocol participants who came together to generously share their success stories. She made her San Choi Bow recipe for us and EVERYONE LOVED IT! It's tasty, nourishing and one of those meals you just feel so good for hours  after...

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Bio-Alai "Porridge" - Bio-Alai Friendly May 30, 2024

If you like a warm porridge for breakfast, especially as the weather is changing, then this Bio-Alai breakfast porridge is the perfect way to charge your body for the day. It has a good balance of fibre, omega 3's and other quality fats as well as polyphenols and carbohydrates in the berries to...

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Healthy Breakfast Smoothie by Bio-Alai May 22, 2024

Finding a quick, healthy and satisfying breakfast is something most of my clients say is a challenge. This is the Bio-Alai smoothie, and it's an excellent way to get a good supply of nutrients to fuel your cells throughout the day. Dr Agnes recommends a smoothie on the Bio-Alai Protocol,...

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Green Goddess Dressing - Bio-Alai Friendly May 10, 2024

This is such a fabulous go to dressing to go on anything - or you can even use it as a dip with veggie sticks. And I love the way you could use which ever fresh herbs you have on hand - try basil and or dill would be delish!

Prep Time: 2 mins

Serves: 4 plus left overs


  • ...

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Lemon Pepper Marinated Chicken - Bio-Alai Friendly May 03, 2024

This super duper easy recipe is so very delicious (I'm slightly addicted), and can be your go to chicken recipe while you're on the Bio-Alai Protocol, or when you're just choosing to eat clean. It's best marinated as the lemon softens the chicken, however, if you don't have time, I have made it...

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Grain Free Bread - Bio-Alai Friendly - Maintenance Stage Apr 24, 2024

This is my go to bread for when I'm craving some toast with a slather of butter. It's delicious with enough texture to be satisfying and holds together well for a grain free bread. It's best to steer clear of this bread in the therapeutic stage of the Bio-Alai protocol as it may reignite...

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Mel's Simple Salad Dressing - Bio-Alai Friendly Apr 05, 2024

Salad without a dressing is like dancing without music: it's okay, it can be done, but it's just so much better when you can crank up the tunes. There's a million and one dressing recipes out there, but here's one that is simple enough to memorise, easy enough to throw together with pantry...

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